Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Building an Access Control System Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Building an Access Control System - Case Study Example Card readers will be utilized in decoding personal information and data when using the system.   The use of smart cards will be implemented in this case scenario. Card readers will be utilized in decoding personal information and data when using the system. The microelectronic access control system allows access based on the permit presented on the cards. When access is allowed, the door is unlocked for a programmed time frame and the operation is recorded on a database located in another location on a computer. When access is not granted, then the door remains locked and the attempted entrance is recorded onto the system to assist in future auditing. The system is also expected to monitor the door and provides an alarm sound notification in case the door remains open for long after being unlocked or in the event the door is forcefully opened. The term access control denotes the exercise of limiting access to a building, a property, or a room to accredited persons. Thus, for an access control system, there are a set of policies that are mandatory for configuration onto the system with an expertise and high level trusted the programmer to administrate the system. This event is expected to involve a read operation on the smart card to acquire entity information. A write operation can be involved after authentication of the read operation on the card to verify the credentials of a given user who wants to access the system at a given time. This process entails the authentication of cards information and its linkage to a particular user registered on the system. Credentials are essential to be able to trace back transaction and document them on the data storage units allied to the system databases. The identification process is aimed at verifying that the entities involved with the system are allowed and their identities are bound to them. This can be a PIN number or serial number assigned to them by a system administrator. In this case scenario, the use of smart cards will have barcodes or magnetic codes which aid in information storage about a single user.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sociology comparing material to book Essay Example for Free

Sociology comparing material to book Essay The Youth, the combustible younger generation as we call it, is the backbone of any society or country. Dynamic and motivated youth is the asset of the country. Dejected and frustrated youth is the liability. This section of the society if remains dissatisfied, leads to several social evils and problems. In this book, Jay MacLeod provides details about the Clarendon Heights, a low-income American Housing Project. But the problems are not exclusive of the Clarendon Heights. What is mentioned in the project is the mirror of the prevailing state of affairs and shows how the youth struggle against poverty, issues related to defeatism and racial discrimination. MacLeod’s elucidation of the problem is open and straight. He explains how the same old discrimination between the whites and the blacks attains new dimensions in the present era. In his writing, he highlights about two study groups. One is the black minority group called The Brothers and the second group is of white youths called the Hallway Hangers. MacLeod’s question is, and it is the question of all the right-thinking g people, as to why the group of the blacks is discriminated against on all counts. The notions of equality etc. repeated from several platforms are hypocritical in nature. They are far away from truth and the ground realities, according to Macleod. Perceptible discrimination exists between the two groups. MacLeod’s question is, having been bestowed with the same educational and living conditions, why the aspirations of then two groups are different. The American system and law doesn’t discriminate against any citizen black or white. Where lays the difficulty then to achieve the identical goals for the two groups! He identifies the nature of social structure that causes the problem. MacLeod next examines whether inequality can be remedied by education. Education does some damage control exercise but it too cannot provide the final solution. The problems engulf more than one area social, economic, cultural, race etc. The prevailing conditions amongst the youth relate to the admixture of all these aspects. MacLeod is the research scholar and therefore his approach is methodical and well-studied. He has interviewed many youth and youth groups of both the races and the discussions involve many problematic subjects of the materialistic civilization, like sex, drugs, parents, poverty, parents, crime etc. The perseverance of the author is noticeable as he revisits the same youths, putting them questions as for their aspirations, attainments within this period and the experiences. The book, therefore, is a story related to reality. The continuing conflicts between the cultures and sub-cultures, their impact on social disposition of various sections have been explained thoroughly in the book. Adolescent struggles are no ordinary struggles. They build or break the personality and life of an individual. Macleod has tried to give an honest analysis of all these interesting trends taking shape in the America mainly in the youth section and the society as a whole consequently. They say, â€Å"It is better to deserve without receiving, than to receive without deserving†, but the modern youth is not always ready to digest the philosophy of doing one’s duty and waiting indefinitely for the results. They compare the prospectus and progress of each other. Human tendencies like envy and heart-burning play the dominant role. The root cause of the social conflicts is the dissatisfaction in the individual minds. The suppressed thought processes give rise to violent action processes, and are an impediment to healthy progress of the society. Every class has some permanent assets and liabilities associated with its class structure. Take for example the important concepts of Bourdie’s social reproduction theory. Working class children tend to follow and end up with working class jobs. But with the changing times, and extensive career counseling available, individual choices do play a predominant role. It is not surprising now to see a cab driver’s son owning a flourishing transport business, and the offspring of an unskilled mechanic turning out to be a brilliant mechanical engineer. The views on class structure of other theorists such as Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx, are also part of the truth, but not the absolute truth. They hold good for a particular stage of the class struggle, and once the desired stage of economic prosperity is reached, they suffer from contradictions and demand change. Coming to the linguistic approach exposed by Basil Berstein and Shirley Brice, the restricted linguistic codes used by the working class children put them in a disadvantageous position since their counterpart use specialized codes which are the ones normally used in the academic setting in the schools. The working class families possess a strong desire that their children should be better off as compared to their status. Most of them are explicitly interested in improving the lot of their children for which the first step is to provide them with proper level of education Basic conditions need to be created by the Government, for the people to become basically sound and industrious. Opportunities provided by industrial evolution, materialistic civilization and internet revolution make children of working class families turn out to brilliant scholars and establish industrial empires. What is required of the education system is, it must have the intrinsic capacity to change the thought process of an individual. Only when the thought process is changed, the action process will also change. Society changes for the better when the overall action process changes. This is what is called self-actualization with intrinsic motivation. Philosophically speaking, you are the creator of your destiny, not the victim. Even speaking scientifically, every action has the reaction and the intensity of the reaction is in proportion to the intensity of the action. Which means, the well-meaning efforts are bound to fructify and will make individual prosperity an attainable reality though one’s well-directed efforts. Which is the authentic and real American Society? Is it, as described by Jay Macleod, â€Å"Horatio Alger’s accounts of the spectacular mobility achieved by men of humble origins through their own unremitting efforts occupy a treasured place in our national folklore? The American dream is held out as a genuine prospect for anyone with the drive to achieve it. † (Macleod, 1995,p, 3) or as told to us about Freddie, â€Å"I ain’t goin’ to college. Who wants to go to college? I’d just end up getting’ a shitty job anyway. †Ã¢â‚¬â€this statement pronounced with certitude and feeling, completely contradicts our achievement ideology. †(Macleod, 1995,p, 3) These two statements provide the true picture of the American society today and the state of mind of the younger generation. When the torch is passed on from one generation to the next generation, it depends what the new generation does with what their forefathers and parents left and from where they left. In the absence of the take-off ground and facilities, they go round and round, unable to achieve any progress. MacLeod links individual lives with social theory to forge a powerful argument about how inequality is created, sustained, and accepted in the United States. The book provides the perspective of the achievement ideology and explains how it is not possible for everyone to climb the ladder of social mobility. The author is an honest critic of the prevailing conditions in the U. S. society. His discussions are engaging and you rightly guess that it is the power of the pen of the professional. Some critics say that the book is the socialist junk. What Macleod does is to point out where America’s much acclaimed capitalist model has failed or needs modifications. It is, therefore, not correct to label him as a socialist. His views about racism and socioeconomic discrimination are strong and without reservations. Given the ground realities in US, it is wise to accept his views than to offer unsubstantiated criticism. Macleod cleverly explains both the groups studied by him failed to get out of poverty due to reasons other than racial discrimination. Poor aspirations and lack of determination contributed to their stationary position in the social ladder of prosperity. He also explains how societal structures limit and restrict the actions of the individuals and curb the upward mobility. Unlike thinkers like Gramsci, MacLeod doesn’t’ believe that Communist Revolution can ever ambush America, and he thinks that the remedy of communist philosophy is worst than the capitalistic disease. Speaking about individual cases, Macleod points out that all the subjects interviewed by him, had regrets about their non-performance when they should have worked hard. Shirking responsibility and buttering people can never bring permanent success for one in life. Many had regrets that they did not work hard at schools and thus wasted their opportunities. The contents of the book provide insight in to the lives of the teenagers in U. S. , both whites and blacks. Laziness could be one of the reasons for poverty, but according to the author there are other barriers that cry a halt to the progress and make the people remain poor. Segregation may be legally dead in USA, but in reality the tremors of segregation are still felt in many walks of life of the black people. It revels at the mind-level. It is easy for the people from the Upper Class to sit on the ivory tower and dub the poor as lazy and good-for-nothing. Macleod’s sense of metaphor makes the examples provided by him appealing and they add to the strength of his arguments. References Cited: Macleod, Jay: Book: Aint no Makin It. Expanded Edition: Paperback: 336 pages Publisher: Westview Press (July 11, 1995) Language: English ISBN-10: 0813315158 ISBN-13: 978-0813315157

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Symbolism and Allegory in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Young Goodman Brown YGB

Symbolism and Allegory in Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown Symbolism, something that figuratively represents something else, is prominent in many literary works. One piece of literature that stands out as a perfect example of symbolism is Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown." This story is completely symbolic, and provides a good example of an allegory, or a story in which concrete items or characters represent abstract ideas. Hawthorne uses both objects and people as symbols to better support the allegorical tones throughout "Young Goodman Brown." Nathaniel Hawthorne uses different people as symbols throughout "Young Goodman Brown." The largest symbolic roles in the story are goodman Brown and his wife Faith. Both of the characters' names are symbolic and representative of their personalities. "'With Heaven above and Faith below, I will stand firm against the devil!' cried goodman Brown," is just one of many quotes that directly relates goodman Brown's personality with his name (189). Goodman Brown is truly a good man. Faith, goodman Brown's wife, also has a name that is indicative of her nature. The story directly supports this point in the phrase "Faith, as the wife was aptly named . . . " (184). Faith is persistent in trying to keep goodman Brown off the path of sin in the first part of the story: " . . . pr'y thee, put off your journey until sunrise, and sleep in your own bed to-night" (184). Hawthorne does an excellent job of turning the main characters into symbols that are prominent throughout the story. Nathaniel Hawthorne also uses different objects in the story as symbols. One of these is the staff of the devil : "But the only thing about him, that could be fixed upon as remarkable, was his staff, which bore the likeness of a great black snake . . ." (185). This symbol shows the reader the evil that is involved with the devil character because the serpent is an archetype of the devil, or some sort of evil, which is prominent in many different cultures. Another object Hawthorne uses as a recurring symbol is the pink ribbon. The pink ribbon symbolizes the purity and innocence involved with Faith. "And Faith . . . thrust her own pretty had into the street, letting the wind play with the pink ribbons in her cap," is a great example of how Hawthorne correlates Faith with the pink ribbons of innocence (184).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Accounting Information Systems Simulation Summary Essay

Effective information systems are essential to productive business. How a system is organized is important in determining efficiency. Managing a balance between cost and accuracy is one of the biggest problems that a company faces. There are advantages & disadvantages to having a single person performing multiple activities in a specific process. A single person working on multiple activities helps reduce errors and confusion as well as provide a better understanding of the reason for certain activities in a process. The employee will then be better able to find and correct mistakes. Unfortunately, a single person means that there is no one to check data for accuracy and integrity. Errors can occur more easily without a second look. There is also the risk of not having someone to complete an entire process if that single person is absent from work. See more: Experiment on polytropic process Essay In order to secure growth, implementing new processes to ensure accuracy is a must while balancing cost and accuracy. If the start up costs of the process are too high, and the return too low, then the venture is not the best choice. An example would be using swipe cards for tracking hours and timesheets as it provides an internal control at an amenable cost while still retaining employee trust and reducing timesheet errors and fraud. Every business wishes to increase its bottom line. This, in part, requires the protection of its assets. In order to help Ramos International minimize expected loss in the upcoming year, it is important to prioritize its assets related to the specific risks and exposure to loss for each. This helps accurately identify the necessary controls and available options to safeguard such assets. This can be managed by determining if the return from implementation of a system is worth the cost associated. The effective use of information systems is essential. The ability to balance both the cost and accuracy of implementing information systems will help to ensure a business’s success and longevity. As in all businesses, Ramos will need to find the right way to successfully  organization and delegation of tasks in their system. References Bagranoff, N.A., Simkin, M.G., & Norman, C. (2008). Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems (10th ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Movers & Shakers

Movers and Shakers in Education The Common School Movement (1830 – 1865) The common school movement advocated for a greater role by the government in children’s education. To this end, Horace Mann was a staunch advocate for the common schools (Kaestle 2). Horace Mann believed that the social coexistence and political stability was dependent on achieving universal education. Consequently, he lobbied the state to embrace ‘nonsectarian’ common schools for the admittance of all children. To this effect, Mann argued that it was civic and religious duty for the government to support common schools.Moreover, Mann believed that teachers were in need of a formal education system beyond High School. Consequently, Mann was joined by other lobbyist for common schools such as Catherine Beecher. However, it is critical to mention that resistance to the common schools was evident from Roman Catholic adherents. To this effect, the opponent believed that nonsectarian common schools were against the precincts of Catholicism. However, the first common school was established in Massachusetts in 1839 following compromise and political consensus.By the latter period of the 19th century, other states adopted common schools policies that evolved to what the contemporary public schools system. John Dewey (1916) John Dewey was epitomized as a prominent American philosopher and educational revolutionary whose ideologies contributed to reform in the social and education sector. In reference to education, Dewey is best known for his philosophies in education. To this end, John Dewey theorized education as the process of developing an individual’s capacities to which the person gains control over his/her environment and consequently fulfil his/her potential (Novak).Consequently, John Dewey formulated four aims of education. Foremost, he believed that education is life whereby life itself was epitomized by education. Moreover, education is life was whereby t he learner was focused on the present scenario and not the future. Secondly, Dewey believed that education is experience. Consequently, he explained that education should be based in experience since it develops a new insight in the learner and replaces old experience. Third, Dewey believed that education was centred on the development of social efficiency.To this end, he envisaged the school as a social institution designed to replicate the realities of the outer world. Fourth, Dewey believed that theory and practice should be conjoined in education. Consequently, thoughts or words should be precincts of teaching and learning. Moreover, Dewey envisioned a method of teaching through direct experience. This was whereby teaching was based on activities in direct connection with the child’s life. Evidently, John Dewey’s theory of experiential learning and child centred social theory contributed to the development of contemporary education practices in the 21st century.Con sequently, his education philosophies marked a shift from lecture based learning processes. The Case of Brown v. Board of Education  (1954, 1955) The case involved the pertinent issue of racial segregation in public learning institutions. To this end, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Thurgood Marshal led a judicial campaign against the racial segregation of learners at school (â€Å"History of Brown v. Board of Education. â€Å"). The Brown vs. Board of Education was a consortium of five cases involving Briggs vs. Elliot, Gebhart vs. Ethel, Brown vs.Board of Education of Topeka, Davis vs. Board of Education of Prince Edward County (VA) and Boiling vs. Sharpe(â€Å"History of Brown v. Board of Education. â€Å"). The facts underlying each case were divergent but were all connected based on the legality of government-sponsored segregation of students in public schools. Initially, the U. S District Court had favoured the school boards in its judgment. Consequently, the plaintiffs launched an appeal in the Supreme Court of U. S. Thus, in the hearing of the cases in 1952, all the five of them were collectively referred to as the Brown vs.Board of Education. While arguing against the case, the plaintiff counsel stated that segregation of black and white students fuelled inequality, and went against the ‘equal protection clause’ stipulated in the United State’s Fourteenth Amendment constitution. Moreover, the plaintiff cited Kenneth Clark’s social scientific research that discovered segregation school polices imposed an inferiority complex among black children. In the ruling presided over by Chief justice Warren in 1954, the court ruled in favour of the plaintiff.Consequently, the court concluded that the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ was unconstitutional and that segregation of students was inherently unequal. On May 31 1995, the Supreme Court ordered and expedient and speedy process of desegregation of all public schools. However, the desegregation process dragged on for over 20 years. Despite this, the Brown vs. Board of Education set the precedent for an equal and racially transformation of the American education sector. No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2002The No child left behind act was officially signed into law on 8th January 2002 (American Speech Language Hearing Association). Its fundamental precinct was based on the notion that every child can learn. Moreover, it envisioned a future whereby all children will achieve proficiency in learning. In addition, the ‘No Child Left Behind Act ‘is an elaborate blueprint for reforming schools, empowering parents and transformational change in school culture. Towards the goal of improving educational standards for all children, the act incorporates all students in public schools.To this end, it is inclusive of all children irrespective of those disabilities. Moreover, it applies to children w ith behavioural dysfunctions, immigrant children, minority kids as well as those learning English as Second Language. The law came into force following increasing growing concern about the declining standards of education. Evidently, the former President, George. W. Bush recognized that segregation in reference to the disadvantaged children in schools was prevalent as well as inadequate standards of measuring progress of students.In seeking to increase the parents’ role in the child, the Act recognized the need for holding school’s accountable in performance standards. Consequently, the act empowers parents with the right to know whether their children are making sufficient academic progress. In reference to the teacher, the Act demands for highly qualified personnel in the respective subjects. It equally calls for use of validated research driven instruction manuals. Furthermore, the acts seeks to increase accountability through formulation of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for states.To this end, Adequate Yearly Progress stipulates the minimum benchmark of improvement required by school districts yearly. As a result, the NCLB Act has set the precedent of improving education for children through the collaborative efforts of parents, schools districts and teachers. References American Speech Language Hearing Association ASHA. 2012. â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Retrieved from http://www. asha. org/advocacy/federal/nclb/exec-summary. htm. Kaestle, C. F. , & Foner, E. (1983). Pillars of the republic: Common schools and American society, 1780-1860.New York: Hill and Wang. Print. Novak, George. 1960. â€Å"John Dewey’s Theories of Education. † International Socialist Review, Vol. 21, No. 1, Winter 1960. Retrieved from http://www. marxists. org/archive/novack/index. htm United States Courts. 2012. â€Å"History of Brown v. Board of Education. â€Å". Retrieved from //www. uscourts. gov/EducationalResources/ConstitutionResourc es/LegalLandmarks/HistoryOfBrownVBoardOfEducation. aspx. xtimeline. 2009. â€Å"American Education: From Revolution to the Twentieth Century. † Famento. Retrieved from www. xtimeline. com/evt/view. aspx? id=637932.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Schindler essays

Schindler essays The Movie, Schindlers List, consist of a German profiteer name Oskar Schindler who, because of his kindness and great courage, saved more than 1,000 Jews form death in the Holocaust. Oskar Schindler was announced a hero because he repeatedly risked his life to save the lives of many Jews. Oskar Schindler's first motive was to become rich and a center figure in the Nazi regime. Then as he progresses, he though about the Jews and he becomes very sympathetic to the Jews. So he spends all of his profits to hire more Jewish workers. At the end, he was comparing the price of the pin to how many more people he could save. He has made a drastic change; he saved over a thousand Jews. Schindlers act of kindness saved many lives on a daily basis. It was very dangerous to interfere with the Nazis Jews, but Schindler did it repeatedly. Often he would say stop killing my good workers. Weve got a war to win! One women who has been forced into slave labor at the age of ten, recalled that she was about to be shot by an SS guard for breaking a machine used to make bullet casing. Schindler saved her life by telling the guard How can this little girl break a huge machine like that? The Jews cared and loved their family with all there hearts. They would do anything just to keep close with their family. Like the children that were separated from their parents, they would risk their lives just to remain and be with there ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Most Effective Characterisation Technique in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example

The Most Effective Characterisation Technique in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example The Most Effective Characterisation Technique in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay The Most Effective Characterisation Technique in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay The characterisation technique that I feel was most effective in the construction of scouts character is setting. Lee’s choice to associate Scout with the outdoors and conveying her as a tomboy was constructed merely through the characterisation technique of setting. This is evident, â€Å"Thereafter the summer passed in routine contentment. Routine contentment was: improving our treehouse that rested between giant twin chinaberry trees in the backyard, fussing, running through our list of dramas based on the works of Oliver optic, Victor Appleton and Edgar Rice Burroughs†(page 8). This example of the construction of scout’s character affects my impressions, ideas and connotations associated with scout. She is represented with personal traits of assertiveness, bossy and strong willed. The idea that child innocence should be maintained I felt was conveyed in this extract also. The fact that throughout the text scout is associated with the outdoors on various chapters defines what scout is surrounded by and the reactions she has to other locations. Such as earlier on in the text scout describes the Radley house from her perspective, which I as the reader accepted. The house was low, was once white with a deep front porch and green shutters, but had long ago darkened to the colour of the slate-grey yard around it. Rain-rotten shingles drooped over the eaves of the veranda; oak trees kept the sun away† (page 8-9). Scout portrays the Radley house as a sinister and unwelcoming setting which is further explored in the following chapters in the text. Moreover, scouts character was constructed through all of the characterisation techniques; however I feel that the characterisation technique of setting was most effective in the construction of scout’s character.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Stay Motivated in the Final Weeks of School

How to Stay Motivated in the Final Weeks of School If college were easy, more people would be attending- and graduating. And while college can be challenging, there are definitely times when things are more difficult than usual. The end of the semester, for example- and especially the end of the spring semester- can sometimes feel harder to get through than the rest of the year combined. Youre low on energy, time, and resources, and its more challenging than usual to recharge yourself. So just how can you stay motivated at the end of the semester? Try Changing Your Routine How long has it been since you mixed up your schedule? As in...really mixed it up? You might be in a bit of a funk because youre just going through the motions: go to bed late, wake up tired, go to class, procrastinate. If you need to snap yourself out of it, try reworking your routine, if even just for a day or two. Go to bed early. Get enough sleep. Eat a healthy breakfast. Eat a healthy lunch. Do your homework in the morning so you can hang out, without guilt, all afternoon and evening. Go off campus to study. Mix things up so that your brain can engage and recharge in a new context. Add Some Exercise When youre low on energy, adding exercise to your routine sounds positively dreadful. Making the time for physical activity, however, can help relieve your stress, increase your energy, and clear things up mentally. Go for a nice long run outside, if you can, or join an exercise class that youve never been to. Play a pick-up game with friends or just zone out on the rowing machine. No matter what you do, promise yourself youll do it for at least 30 minutes. Chance are youll be amazed at how much better you feel. Schedule in Some Downtime Even if you know youll be hanging out with people throughout the week, it can be hard to really let yourself relax if youre worried about everything else you have to do. Consequently, make an official night out, dinner out, coffee date, or something similar with friends. Put it on your calendar. And then let yourself really relax and rejuvenate while youre out. Get off Campus and Forget Youre a Student for a Little While Everything you do probably revolve around your college life- which, while understandable, can also be wearisome. Leave your backpack behind and head to a museum, a musical performance, or even a community event. Forget that youre a student and just let yourself enjoy the moment. Your college responsibilities will wait for you. Remind Yourself of Your Long-term Goals Studying can be exhausting when you think of all you have to read and learn and memorize and write within the last few weeks of the term. However, thinking about your long-term goals- both professionally and personally- can be incredibly motivating. Visualize or even write down what you want your life to be like in 5, 10, and even 20 years. And then use those goals to help you plow through your to-do list. Make Attainable Short-term Goals While looking at your long-term goals can be motivating, focusing on your short-term goals can also be incredibly helpful. Make simple, very-short-term (if not downright immediate) goals that you can reach with a little extra effort. What is the one big thing youd like to get done by the end of the day today? By the end of the day tomorrow? By the end of the week? You dont have to list everything; just list one or two tangible things that you can aim for and reasonably expect to accomplish. Spend an afternoon imagining the details of your life after college. Focus on as many details as possible. Where will you live? What will your house or apartment look like? How will it be decorated? What kinds of things will you have hanging on the walls? What kind of dishes will you have? What kinds of people will you have over? What will your work life be like? What will you wear? What will you eat for lunch? How will you commute? What kinds of situations will make you laugh and feel joyful? Who will be part of your social circle? What will you do to have fun and relax? Spend a good hour or two imagining the details of what your life will be like. And then refocus and recharge yourself so you can finish your semester and make progress toward creating that life. Do something creative. Sometimes, the demands of college mean you end up spending your entire day doing things you have to do. When was the last time you did something you want to do? Allocate an hour or two to do something creative not for a grade, not for an assignment, but because you simply need to let your brain do something else. Do something new and silly. Are you tired of having all of the items on your to-do list be serious and productive? Add something that adds some brevity and good, old-fashioned silliness. Take a cooking class, go fly a kite, read a trashy magazine, finger paint, get in a water gun fight with friends, or run through some sprinklers. It doesnt matter what you do as long as you let yourself be goofy and enjoy it for what it is: ridiculous. Find a new place to study. Even if youre lacking motivation, you still have certain things to do like studying. If you cant change your to-do list, change where you get things done. Find a new place to study on campus so that you at least feel like youre mixing things up instead of repeating the same routine over and over and over again. Set up a reward system for yourself. It doesnt have to be fancy or expensive to be motivating. Pick two things on your to-do list and set an easy reward, like that candy bar in the vending machine youre always daydreaming about. When you finish those two tasks, treat yourself! Similarly, add in other short-term rewards, like a snack, nice cup of coffee, power nap, or other small treasure. Drop something from your to-do list and dont feel bad about it. Do you have a ton to do? Are you tired? Do you just not have the energy to get everything completed? Then instead of focusing on how to motivate yourself to do the impossible, take a hard look at your to-do list. Pick one or two things that are stressing you out and drop them without feeling guilty. If things are stressful and your resources are low, then its time to prioritize. What seemed important a month ago may no longer make the cut, so cross off what you can and focus on what you really need to focus on. You just might surprise yourself with how your energy levels replenish and your stress levels decrease.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Phlight of Armenians History Research Paper

The Phlight of Armenians History - Research Paper Example In the midst of this, however, dandyism, epitomized by George â€Å"Beau† Brummell, flourished as a kind of revolt against the aristocracy and the landed classes of the day. According to Rhonda K. Garelick (1998), dandyism during this period influenced modern concepts of celebrity, well into the late twentieth century. She views dandies as â€Å"sexually ambiguous† (3) and as â€Å"double-sex beings† (5), implying that dandyism of the eighteenth century had very little to do with gender roles and sexuality. It has been traditionally understood that dandyism was an idealization of women performed by men, but if Garelick is correct in her estimation of dandies and of dandyism, then that may not be the case. S.R. Cole (2006), however, would disagree with Garelick and takes dandyism in a different direction. He sees dandyism as a class-related phenomenon intertwined with homo-eroticism between men. For Cole, dandyism is â€Å"driven by†¦the desire for aristocra tic status†Ã¢â‚¬â€one that involves an admiring â€Å"male gaze† (138). This perspective does not perceive dandyism as inevitably hostile to women. To the modern person, dandyism appears â€Å"unmasculine† and even â€Å"effeminate,† but its connection to gender and sexual practices is not as strong as its connection to status and the aristocracy. A discussion about dandyism requires discussing the dandies themselves, especially George â€Å"Beau† Brummell, who although he was unattached, was definitely not gay in the modern sense. He was, however, the arbiter of fashion of the time. One of the most famous quotes regarding Brummell was stated by another dandy, Brummell’s friend Lord Byron: â€Å"There are three great men of our age, myself, Napoleon and Brummell, but of we three, the greatest of all is Brummell† (Moers, 24). Not only was Brummell one of the earliest dandies; he was the model for the entire movement. One of the earlies t books written about dandies, The Wits and Beaux of Society, by Grace Wharton and Philip Wharton in 1860, labels dandies as â€Å"beaux,† after Brummell, which the book describes as â€Å"never likely to be quite forgotten† (xvi). For the Whartons, beaux (or dandies) are all men, even though they previously published a book that focused on well-known women of the time. They describe a dandy as â€Å"a cheat†¦who imposes on his public by his clothes or appearance† (80). Indeed, Brummell’s most recent biographer, Ian Kelly (2006), describes Brummell as â€Å"the first celebrity† (1)—the first person to be famous for being famous. Like many celebrities today, Brummell did not have any particular talent other than a penchant for attaching himself to royalty and to the royal court. Nonetheless, he had a profound influence on British society, and established the modern view of celebrity in the West, even what has become the stereotyped †Å"celebrity pattern of a fall from grace† (Kelly, 1). Brummell was certainly the right man for his time, in the years following the French Revolution, when the British aristocracy felt compelled to justify its existence. The dandy, as expressed through Brummell, was a study in contradictions, and to understand those contradictions, Brummell should be considered in any discussion of the dandy. As Moers (1960) points out, Camus defined the dandy as â€Å"an archetype of the human being in revolt against society† (17), one that had little to do with gender roles and

Friday, October 18, 2019

A commercial office environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A commercial office environment - Essay Example Linux runs on a variety of hardware platforms including Sun, Intel and digital. To meet its role and stand out from similar operating systems, Linux has been included with several edge features which are constantly improved. This paper is out to present an overview of a commercial office environment in which Linux is applicable, mention the relevant factors for the Linux to be deployed in such an environment and present the successes associated with this Linux deployment (Siever and Robbins, 2005). Considering the way a commercial office environment is a dynamic network that entails many key requirements such as scalability, flexibility, extensibility and adaptability, Linux is suitable in such a place as it meets all the above requirements. A commercial office is a business operation thus any equipment or facility used has to be cost effective. This is where Linux beats most of Operating Systems as it is free thus economical to any office environment. Such an environment operates best with Java development as the office activities call for the need to access network resources in a way that cuts a cross platforms allowing for addition applications into the network is the shortest time possible. Linux is the best when it comes to such adjustments which are common in offices. Now that the office environment is ever changing, workers need to be in a position to log in from different locations and stations and at the same time consistently accesses of the files shared. This is a c ommon practice in commercial office environments and Linux makes it as easy and convenient as possible. This will allow the workers work in an environment that is familiar thus increasing their productivity (Rubin and Corbet, 2005). Traditionally, most if not all the machines in commercial offices were operated with Windows NT, with their software servers being Solaris. Such a set up called for the need of additional

Course of action Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Course of action - Assignment Example MAPR enhances ‘independence in fact’ since limited interaction with any client reduces not only the pressure but also the monetary as well as other inducements, for auditing partners to sacrifice their reputation and independence so as to ‘remain silent’. As a consequence, auditing partners might be enthusiastic to question management on financial reporting and creative accounting issues. Secondly, long audit partner tenure means creation of a comfortable relationship between auditing partner and client, which adversely affects a partner’s show of independence. Thus such improvements as those can be brought by MAPR. The other reason why MAPR is best course of action is on the basis of on introduction of new/fresh eyes. Thus MAPR avoids ‘staleness’ emanating from repetitive previous engagements and thus will enhance quality and integrity of audit, since rotation permits the much needed ‘fresh eyes’ to evaluate the firm’ s financial statements as well as accounting policies/practices (Ottaway, 2013). Evidence-the US general accounting office (GAO), current data on ‘restatement rates’ linking to ‘error or fraud’ in previous financial statements subsequent to the closure of Arthur Anderson in 2002 that demanded compulsory auditor rotation for more than 1200 firms. Thus the data indicates a marked rise in restatement rates for ‘error and fraud’ after auditor rotation. It is evident therefore, that from this research GAO provided a possibly persuasive research demonstrating that â€Å"fresh eyes† actually do expose fraud and mistakes under a MAPR –comparable situation. This is apparent therefore, that MAPR promotes conservative and diligence decision making by partners as they will be alert, specifically at the end of their term, knowing a new auditor will be keenly inspecting their work with a pair of ‘fresh eyes’ (Ottaway,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Barefoot Running vs Traditional Running, The Pros and Cons Research Paper

Barefoot Running vs Traditional Running, The Pros and Cons - Research Paper Example While some dismiss the growing trend of barefoot running as a mere fad, some believe it will be a new wave in the history of sports. Innumerable debates have ensued in popular media over which one, barefoot running or shod running, is better, more beneficial and safer. However, scientific evidence is not yet enough to settle the debate. A lot of research has gone into analyzing the biomechanics, impact characteristics, etc of traditional and barefoot running and based on the findings of these studies, the pros and cons of both types of running have been weighed. The use of cushioned and protective footwear for running began in the 1970s with the invention of modern running shoes (Lieberman et al. 531). Prior to this invention, humans ran with none or minimal footwear. Human ancestors used simple and minimal foot coverings such as moccasins made of leather (Jenkins and Cauthon 231). Earlier dogmas claim that human feet are â€Å"evolutionarily unsuccessful† and that they are fr agile because of which protective cushioning for the feet is vital (Jenkins and Cauthon 231). However, this dogma was refuted by a study in Nature, which argues that human ancestors, who practiced barefoot running, were remarkably good at endurance running and that it may have been â€Å"instrumental in the evolution of the human body form† (Bramble and Lieberman 345). ... As most of the present research on this subject is yet inconclusive and is still in progress, it cannot be ascertained as to whether barefoot running is better than shod running, but the pros and cons can however be weighed based on currently available evidence. I. Pros of Barefoot Running vs. Traditional Running A. Less susceptibility to injury in barefoot running The surging interest in barefoot running has been largely because the rates of running-related injuries are high amongst shod runners as compared to barefoot runners (Robillard 13; Edwards, Foster and Wallack 150). Kerrigan et al. (2009) have shown that the hip, knee and ankle joints are more prone to injury in shod runners than in barefoot runners, making them more susceptible to disorders such as knee osteoarthritis. In another study, Hamill et al. (2011) found that the footfall patterns in shod running and barefoot running are different, and therefore, the impact patterns of the two types of running vary from one anothe r. The differences in impact patterns are responsible for varying extents of injury caused by both types of running. Robbins and Hanna have also shown that barefoot running populations report an extremely low frequency of running related injury (148). They further state that the human foot has developed adaptations that result in shock absorption and these adaptations are non-functional in traditional running. Many other studies such as those by Warburton have found that barefoot running is associated with a significantly low rate of acute ankle injuries and chronic lower leg injuries. Scientific data as to the level of protection of athletic

Decision Making in Paramedic - Reasoning Pathway of Each of the Crew M Assignment

Decision Making in Paramedic - Reasoning Pathway of Each of the Crew Members - Assignment Example Joshua in making his decision concerning the diagnosis of Samuel settles on the diagnosis to be a severe asthma attack with possible musculoskeletal involvement. Intuitively, this decision could be influenced by his learning and work exposure. As a volunteer firefighter, Joshua might have probably been influenced by the cases he had witnessed in other paramedical emergencies that befitted the same diagnosis. Tanya in her decision of settling on the diagnosis of Samuel to be an asthma attack could be influenced by the pattern reasoning based on policy guidelines that she has been part of its development. This could equally be influenced by the fact that Tanya had not been exposed to a significant number of situations where asthma exists with other comorbid conditions (Frederick 2005, pp.25–42). Hypothetico-deductive reasoning can be used in the situation of Samuel as a means of elimination of other potential diagnoses. Hypothetico-deductive reasoning model employs the scientific model in the elimination of the unfavourable or undesirable decisions. The model involves the setting of hypothesis then testing the feasibility of the hypothesis to arrive at a decision (Sprenger 2011, pp.497). Application of hypothetico-deductive reasoning would first entail the use of experience in making the diagnosis. The decision maker would consider the problem and attempts to make sense out of the situation. The person then gathers data and look for the previous explanation that may be related to the problem. The second step is the formation of hypothesis; prediction of the feasibility of the hypothesis is then determined to ascertain its accuracy. The process then resolves with testing of the hypothesis. Testing of the hypothesis is done by looking for evidence and through observation that will help in eliminating other potential diagnosis and helps the decision maker to arrive at the best possible diagnosis. Application of Hypothetico-deductive reasoning in the case of Samuel would help the paramedics to eliminate the potential diagnosis of angina and asthma as they would be distinctively be eliminated through hypothesis testing process (Guerrero et al. 2005, pp.1343).  Ã‚  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Barefoot Running vs Traditional Running, The Pros and Cons Research Paper

Barefoot Running vs Traditional Running, The Pros and Cons - Research Paper Example While some dismiss the growing trend of barefoot running as a mere fad, some believe it will be a new wave in the history of sports. Innumerable debates have ensued in popular media over which one, barefoot running or shod running, is better, more beneficial and safer. However, scientific evidence is not yet enough to settle the debate. A lot of research has gone into analyzing the biomechanics, impact characteristics, etc of traditional and barefoot running and based on the findings of these studies, the pros and cons of both types of running have been weighed. The use of cushioned and protective footwear for running began in the 1970s with the invention of modern running shoes (Lieberman et al. 531). Prior to this invention, humans ran with none or minimal footwear. Human ancestors used simple and minimal foot coverings such as moccasins made of leather (Jenkins and Cauthon 231). Earlier dogmas claim that human feet are â€Å"evolutionarily unsuccessful† and that they are fr agile because of which protective cushioning for the feet is vital (Jenkins and Cauthon 231). However, this dogma was refuted by a study in Nature, which argues that human ancestors, who practiced barefoot running, were remarkably good at endurance running and that it may have been â€Å"instrumental in the evolution of the human body form† (Bramble and Lieberman 345). ... As most of the present research on this subject is yet inconclusive and is still in progress, it cannot be ascertained as to whether barefoot running is better than shod running, but the pros and cons can however be weighed based on currently available evidence. I. Pros of Barefoot Running vs. Traditional Running A. Less susceptibility to injury in barefoot running The surging interest in barefoot running has been largely because the rates of running-related injuries are high amongst shod runners as compared to barefoot runners (Robillard 13; Edwards, Foster and Wallack 150). Kerrigan et al. (2009) have shown that the hip, knee and ankle joints are more prone to injury in shod runners than in barefoot runners, making them more susceptible to disorders such as knee osteoarthritis. In another study, Hamill et al. (2011) found that the footfall patterns in shod running and barefoot running are different, and therefore, the impact patterns of the two types of running vary from one anothe r. The differences in impact patterns are responsible for varying extents of injury caused by both types of running. Robbins and Hanna have also shown that barefoot running populations report an extremely low frequency of running related injury (148). They further state that the human foot has developed adaptations that result in shock absorption and these adaptations are non-functional in traditional running. Many other studies such as those by Warburton have found that barefoot running is associated with a significantly low rate of acute ankle injuries and chronic lower leg injuries. Scientific data as to the level of protection of athletic

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Smart Phones are the New PC Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How Smart Phones are the New PC - Research Paper Example The proceeding sections depict a detailed insight into this argument. II. Outline The paper discusses how the new technology ‘smart phones’ have given tough competition to personal computers by incorporating the features of a personal computer on a mobile phone. Traditionally, the cell phone did not offer many features except for simply text messaging and a call feature at most. However, with the passage of time, mobile phone manufacturers are incorporating a variety of tasks and functions to enhance the user experience. This has resulted in an overlapping of the functions provided by smart phones and personal computers. The paper discusses the manner in which the mart phone technology has become the new personal computer and its scope in future. III. Content The term ‘smart’ phones refers to top of the line mobile phones that are built using a technology known as the â€Å"mobile computing platform† and that offers enhanced connection features and co mputing power compared to the traditional mobile phone (Jipping). The initial ‘smart’ phones incorporated simpler, less sophisticated technology such as the camera and features of the PDA (Ilyas and Ahson). However, with the passage of time, more complex features were incorporated including GPS, GPRS, media players and video/voice recording. Contemporary smart phones not only include these, but also technology such as touch screens, web browsers, Wi-Fi and high speed internet experience (Jipping). These features have enhanced the user experience and let to the popularity of smart phones, raising questions about the threat this shall impose to personal computers. The Smartphone technology can be compared to the Swiss Army Knife metaphor (Emigh). Thus, Smartphone bears resemblance to a knife in terms of compactness and ease of use. The new Smartphones are not just mobile phones; they intend to offer more than just the conventional texting and calling features. Unlike its predecessors, the Smartphone now offers features such as the GPS which helps users to navigate the area they are in, to find their way through malls and shopping centres as well as for frequent travelers who want to find their way through a new city (Hinch). Thus, clearly the new Smartphone is a comprehensive phone that offers a complex range of features all at one click. However, similar to a Swiss Army Knife, not all of the â€Å"blades† or features of the Smartphone may be useful to a particular user (Emigh). IV. Comparison Whether or not smart phones are the new pc has been a heavily debated topic in the IT industry. According to one author, the question boils down to whether the Smartphone is a new pc or is it s Swiss army knife in disguise (Emigh). Some experts have suggested that with the rising trend of innovative mobile applications and the development of a multitude of mobile operating systems, the Smartphone is fast becoming the new PC. (Wood, Northam and Gjertsen) An example to illustrate this point could be Verizon, which offers the â€Å"Motorola Driod Bionic† that offers the 4G platform (Tokuda, Beigl and Friday). The mobile comes with dual-core chips (resembling the dual core chips in personal computer processors) (Hunn). Furthermore, mobile phones such as LG and Samsung boast of having models that offer processors as fast as 1 GHz (Ilyas and Ahson). The â€Å"

Monday, October 14, 2019

Education Essay Example for Free

Education Essay It seems that the recent trend toward online education has created a severe deficit among students. Part of the fundamental goal of any learning environment is the development of skills related to team-building and cooperative work. These are real-world skills that are important to have in almost any real-world situation. The student’s comment about cooperative learning is a common complaint, but the troubles cited by the student are typical of real-world cooperative situations. The usual complaints by students about cooperative learning projects include logistics issues, gaps in vision and leadership, difficulties in equitable workload assignment, and other elements. All of these problems are ones that may be encountered in the modern working world. I would design the curriculum with group projects integrated. I would also include a learning objective that emphasizes the importance of the cooperative learning, given its application to the real world. If the quality of the projects suffers as a result of the learning format, the learning gap(s) that may have developed may be resolved by reinforcing exercises that are individually-based. In this manner, the subject matter will be adequately addressed, and the important group-work skill can also be practiced. I would also recommend additional courses on team-work and the cooperative dynamic be added to the curriculum. Whether for a school or a work environment, it is vital that students be taught or trained to appreciate the importance of effective teaming, as this will be a key element in any real-world work environment. This course could incorporate coping and procedural skills that address the typical difficulties involved with cooperative projects. Objectives might include how to divide labor, how to determine a vision, how to organize leadership, and how to handle logistic difficulties. The sooner students learn these skills, the more productive and successful they will be.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Study on Competency Model of an effective teacher

Study on Competency Model of an effective teacher The paper builds on comprehensive review of 13 research papers and a book on teachers competencies on basis of which a Competency Model of an effective teacher has been suggested that can be used during recruitment, training, and performance appraisal and also can be used as a mean for compensation of a teacher. Competencies of an Effective teacher Model has been categorized into three categories as shown in the above diagram which are as follows: Concern for College, Concern for Self and Concern for Students. Therefore, this paper produces data on what attributes in todays academic market place and in particular in classroom produces effective teachers. INTRODUCTION: Education has become essential these days. But along with it there are several challenges of education as well which require change in the quality and structure of education. For this integration of education with corporate sector is required for which course contents needs to be upgraded. But this is not sufficient as teachers are the education providers they play a vital role in bridging the gap between what is now available in the form of curriculum and the demands of the corporate world. Hence teachers should therefore react to the changing scenario and equip themselves to meet the need of the hour. Hence this paper identifies competencies (behavioural indicators) required for an effective teaching according to the changing scenario. Therefore, this paper produces data on what attributes in todays academic market place and in particular in classroom produces effective teachers. The theory being, the more effective the teacher the better prepared the student is for tomorrows challenges, not yesterdays and the more competitive the school can make itself. The paper will first review the literature highlighting competencies [behavioral indicators] of effective teacher given by other researchers. First it is important to understand the word competency. A competency is an underlying characteristic of an individual that is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and/or superior performance in a job or situation [1] Underlying characteristic means the competency is a fairly deep and enduring part of persons personality and can predict behavior. Causally related means that a competency causes or predicts behavior and performance. Criterion-referenced means that the competency actually predicts who does something well or poor, as measured on a specific criterion or standard. The history of competency can be traced to the early 1970s when industrial psychologists and human resource managers were seeking ways to predict job performance. There was significant evidence to show that personality testing was very poor at predicting job performance (about 10 percent success rate was achievable). In 1973, David McClelland, Professor of Psychology at Harvard University wrote a seminal paper Testing for Competence Rather than for Intelligence, which appeared in American Psychologist in 1973 [2], that created a stir in the field of psychology (McClelland, 1973). According to his research, traditional academic aptitude and knowledge content tests seldom predict on-job performance. He went on to argue that the real predictors of job performance are a set of underlying personal characteristics or competencies. McClellands concept of competency has been the key driver of the competency movement and competency-based education. LITERATURE REVIEW Attempts to define teacher behaviors have blossomed into a movement known as Competency-based teacher education (or Performance based Teacher Education). The State of Florida has been a leader in identification of generic teaching competencies and in the movement of competency-based teacher education. In 1975 the Council on Teacher Education (COTE), spearheaded a project to identify those competencies which are most essential to all teachers. 48 generic competencies consistently appeared in the search was selected for a final survey instrument. A random sample of 5 percent of all certified personnel in the state were asked to rate the competencies. 23 competencies met the specified acceptance criteria. The 23 generic competencies were grouped into 5 major categories namely communication skills, basic knowledge, technical skills, administrative skills and interpersonal skills. The state of Florida has included the 23 generic competencies in state policies requiring all personnel to de monstrate them in order to be certified as a teacher in the state [3]. A few of the sub-skills under each of the five major categories are as follows: Communication Skills, Basic Knowledge, Technical Skills, Administrative Skills and Interpersonal Skills. Peter F Oliva [3] has described an effective teacher as one whom: Is fully prepared in his or her subject Has a broad general education Understands the role of a school in the society Holds an adequate concept of himself or herself Understands basic principles of learning process Demonstrate effective techniques of instruction Efficiently handles the management of the classroom Possesses personal characteristics conducive to the success in the classroom A similar list has been developed by Kenneth P Henson [3] of an effective teacher as one whom: Is interested in students as individuals Has patience and is willing to repeat Displays fairness Explains things thoroughly Is humorous Is open minded Is informal Does not feel superior Knows the subject Is interested in the subject Is neat in appearance Similarly Dwight Allen and Kevin Ryan [3] have given skills which are generic or common to teachers at all level as follows: Stimulus variation, Set induction, Closure, Silence and Non-Verbal Clues, Reinforcement of Student participation, Fluency in asking question, Probing question, High order question, Divergent question, Recognizing attending behavior, Illustrating and using examples, Lecturing, Planned Repetition, Completeness of communication Teachers Competency has been defined as any particular knowledge, skill, or attitude or any set or combination of them that we may choose to specify (Donald M Medley Patricia R Crock). The knowledge specified may involve subject-matter knowledge, general knowledge, knowledge of psychology, sociology or one of the other disciplines, knowledge of pedagogy-any knowledge that may enhance teacher performance. Skills specified may also relate to content, to writing and speaking skills, to skills in arithmetic, they may be perpetual or diagnostic in nature, they may be performance skills such as those involved in lecturing, leading a discussion or planning instruction, they may be related to deployment of knowledge and skills of other types, or to the integration and implementation of complex strategies. Attitudes specified may pertain to the self, to pupils, to colleagues and to the profession, to values, or whatever [4]. A recent Research in 2008 by Faculty of Education, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey aimed to determine the teachers competencies Turkey needs in the European Union harmonization process [5]. The research used Delphi technique to determine the teachers competencies. Delphi application was completed by participation of 37 experts. As a result of analysis of the third round data removal of items with a standard deviation above 1 and arithmetic average below 6, 142 competency items were obtained. Removal and combination of overlapping opinions was done and hence 137 competency items were obtained. The competencies were divided into four competency categories which are as follows: Competencies Regarding Professional Knowledge Competencies Regarding Field Knowledge, Competencies Regarding Improving Oneself, Competencies Regarding National and International Values. Competencies Regarding Professional Knowledge were addressed in five categories as follows: Professional Competencies Regarding Getting to Know the Students and Enabling Their Improvement Professional Competencies regarding the process of learning-teaching process Professional competencies regarding monitoring and evaluating learning and improvement Professional Competencies regarding School, Family, Colleagues and Society Relations Professional Competencies Regarding the Programme and Content (Abdul Rahim Hamdan et al, Faculty of Education, University of Malaysia) studied the teaching competency and dominant characteristics of 309 teachers from different secondary / primary schools in Johor Bahru [6]. Their competencies were determined through teaching skills, concern for school, concern for students and concern for self, forming a comprehensive and practical model of teachers competency characteristics. Factor analyses of the instrument with various samples revealed 19 stable subscales. Skills Scales were divided into seven sub-scales. There were scales on Subject Knowledge, Teaching Prowess, Classroom Management, Updating Knowledge, Instructional Planning, Teaching Effectiveness; and Teaching and Learnings Progress Evaluation. Concern for School Scales was divided into five sub-skills. There were testing on teachers concern on School Vision and Mission, Objectives and Goals, School Policy and System, Collegiality and Commitment. Scales on Concern for Student were divide d into four sub-scales. There were testing on teachers concern on Student Needs, Academic Performance, Motivation and Behavior. Concern for Self Scales was divided into three sub-scales. There were testing on teachers concern on Self-Development, Self Management and Performance Standard. The most dominant competency of the teachers was in concern for school scales followed by skills, concern for self and concern for students. The result showed that there is significant relationship between gender and teaching competency. The result for the ethnic and teaching competency showed that there is no relationship between ethnic and teaching competency in this study. The data analysis showed that there is no relationship between teaching experience and teaching competency. The result also showed that there is no significant relationship between academic qualification and teaching competency. Thus, it can be summarized that, teachers with higher academic qualification does not mean more comp etent in teaching. (Naree Aware Achwarin, R.N., Ed.D., Graduate School of Education, Assumption University of Thailand) aimed to determine the teacher competence level and investigate the relationship between teacher qualification, teaching experience, and school size and teacher competence of teachers at schools in the three southern border provinces of Thailand [7]. The method of survey research was used through questionnaire. The unit of analysis was teachers, 750 were selected by simple random sampling methods from nine educational regions, 18 secondary schools, under the Basic Education Commission of Thailand (OBEC) at Narathiwas, Pattani, and Yala province. The instrument used for collecting data was a questionnaire, constructed by the researcher, employing the professional standards of knowledge and experience from the Teacher Council of Thailand (2005) containing nine competence areas. The Cronbachs Alpha coefficient for the reliability was 0.96. The content validity was evaluated by five exper ts in the field of Educational Administration. The findings revealed Teachership was the highest teacher competence. In order from the highest to the lowest of nine competence areas, the ranking was teachership; psychology for teachers; educational measurement and evaluation; classroom management; learning management; educational innovation and information technology, language and technology for teachers; curriculum development; and educational research. (Earl Simendinger Bella Galperin, The University of Tampa Daniel R. LeClair, AACSB International A.G. (Tassos) Malliaris, Loyola University) described the design, development and delivery of this curriculum [8]. The objective and what the reader can expect to learn from this work is what are the most important attributes of effective business teachers. Incorporating these attributes into course design and delivery should lead to improvements in teaching effectiveness and students evaluation scores, which results in students better prepared for the business field. In addition to it, reviewing the past literature in particular, student evaluations have received the most attention- this statement shows the gap that competencies derived about the teachers were basically based on student perception not on the basis of management, professor and industry professions. (Kirk Tennant Charles Lawrence, 1975) focused upon teaching strategies and scheduled class hours and their effects upon instructor and course evaluations, student performance, and student absenteeism [9]. The study indicated that discipline teaching strategy produced much better student academic performance. This study indicates that in those situations in which student performance was considered a primary goal, a discipline teaching strategy should be adopted. In all cases the finding suggest that a discipline teaching strategy will improve both attendance and performance. In this multisection course, classes scheduled at good hours had higher student attendance, better student performance, and more favorable teacher evaluation by students. (William J. Read, Dasaratha V. Rama K. Raghunandan, 2001) surveyed administrators of accounting programs from a cross-section of schools and programs to determine whether there is an association between the weight given to teaching and the weight assigned to SEs [10]. The respondents were asked to allocate 100 points among research, service and teaching representing the weights that were attached to each in decision on tenure and promotion to full professor in their institution. The Result showed a statistically significant inverse relationship between the weight given to SEs and the weight assigned to teaching in faculty evaluations for tenure and promotion to full professor. This suggests that as institutions increase the relative emphasis on teaching in their tenure decision and promotion to full professor decision, they place significantly less weight on Student Evaluation. (Stephen A. Stumpf et al, New York University) investigated the relationships among several variables outside of the instructors classroom control and student ratings of teaching effectiveness are investigated in a causal network [11]. The student ratings are relatively independent of external variables. Variables external to the construct of student perceived learning include: (a) variables that students do not agree relate to their learning, (b) variables that the instructor cannot control with his or her instructional efforts within a class (e.g., instructor sex, class size), and (c) variables that students cannot observe and thus cannot accurately evaluate. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed; the six independent variables account for a statistically insignificant 9% of rating variance. The set of six external variables were then entered into a regression equation already containing the three intrinsic variables (instructor in class, instructor in general an d graded assignments). The additional variance accounted for is .6%, indicating that no unique contribution is made by any or all of the external variables. The variables were instructor sex, the year the instructor received her/his last degree, instructor rank, proportion of required courses that an instructor taught over the two semester period and class size. (Dr Paul Isely Dr Harinder Singh) analyzed different factors that influence student evaluations, based on large set of data, reveals that class size, the difficulty of the class, the percentage of students responding, and the length of class are important determinants of students perception [12]. Moreover, although higher expected grades results in more favorable student evaluations, this relationship is significantly different depending upon faculty rank. Based on these findings, the author makes two policy recommendations. First, student evaluations of teaching should be adjusted for specific major determinants to obtain less biased estimates. Second, evaluating teaching effectiveness by a broad teaching portfolio that includes actual grades given to students and other teaching supplements may discourage faculty from exploiting the relationship between higher expected grades and favorable student evaluations. (James E. Whitworth, et al, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia) analyzed 12,153 student faculty evaluations to investigate the effects of: (a) Faculty member gender (b) Course type (required business core courses, classes within designated majors, or graduate classes) (c) Course level (graduate versus undergraduate classes) on student faculty evaluations [13]. The authors explored the effect of these three factors on students perceptions of how much they learned in particular classes. They found that female instructors rated better than male ones and that rating differed significantly by course type and by students perceived amount of learning. Graduate students tended to give higher scores than undergraduates. These findings could indicate that comparing evaluation data across different courses might not produce valid overall effectiveness rankings. (Richard L. Peterson et al, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ)conducted a study within a large department of a business school and recommends that the process used be adapted by other business school departments and other academic units across the university and at other universities to ensure a more universally appropriate usage of students ratings [14]. The central objective of the research was to identify variables that provide a valid rationale for assigning faculty into norming groups for the purpose of comparing one member of that group to all other members of that group. Given the objective and the data set they had available, they selected the following six variables to explore: Semester Effect, Course Session Effect, Faculty Type Effect, Course Level Effect, Course Focus Effect Course Type. Overall, this study makes two primary contributions to the literature. First, it provides an empirical examination of the factors that might be influencing students ratings. Seco nd, it offers suggestions on how these ratings might be used by administrators. These two contributions offer more evidence that supports Brightmans (2005) recommendations that any evaluation instrument focused on faculty teaching must be reliable and valid and have a meaningful norming report. COMPETENCY MODEL OF AN EFFECTIVE TEACHER A Competency Model of an Effective Teacher has been obtained after reviewing the literature and also by using Competency Dictionary obtained by colleagues of Richard Boyatzis in 1981 which was obtained by analyzing the data [i.e transcripts of behavioral event interviews] from a number of competency studies which produced set of competencies that consistently distinguished superior performance across organizations and functions [1] COMPETENCY MODEL OF EFFECTIVE TEACHER Concern for Self Concern for College Competencies of an Effective Teacher Concern for Students Figure 1: Competency Model of an Effective Teacher Competencies of an Effective teacher can be categorized into three categories as shown in the above diagram which are as follows: Concern for College, Concern for Self and Concern for Students. As teacher has duty towards for College it is defined as the first category where teachers competencies are adoption of College Vision and Mission, teacher should be committed towards his/her work, a teacher should be high on competencies like credibility, integrity and sincerity. Next comes the category Concern for Self which is very important as teacher always carry these competencies such as teacher should be high on analytical thinking, conceptual thinking, also have good meta qualities such as creativity, teacher should have excellent communication skills, should always be information seeking, should have self-control, self-confidence, be flexible, achievement oriented, open and receptive and most important is that teacher should be able to balance work and his/her life perfectly. Coming to Concern for Students teacher should have competencies like interpersonal understanding, should be able to influence others, should be good in developing others and should be assertive when required. The three categories have been diagrammatically represented below: The broad areas of Competencies under this category are: Organizational Awareness, Adaption Commitment Concern For Order, Quality And Accuracy The competencies can be as follows: Mission Orientation, Commitment to work contract, Ethical conduct and Credibility, integrity and sincerity Concern for College Figure2: Concern for College Competencies The broad areas of Competencies under this category are: Analytical Thinking Conceptual Thinking Meta Qualities Communication Knowledge and Information Orientation Self-Control Persistence Flexibility Achievement and Action Being open and receptive Being organized Work Life Balance The competencies can be as follows: Reasoning, Ability to Generate Theories, Creativity, Presentation skills, Resistance to Stress, Persistence, Strong Self-Concept, Adaptability, Result Orientation, Composure, Humor, Time Management, Work/Life Balance Concern for Self Figure 3: Concern for Self Competencies The broad areas of Competencies under this category are: Interpersonal Understanding Impact and Influence Developing Others Being Directive The competencies can be as follows: Empathy, Approachability, Sensitivity to Others, Interpersonal Savvy, Showmanship, Teaching and Training, Realistic Positive Regard, Motivating others, Classroom Control and Discipline, Assertive Concern for Students Figure 4: Concern for Students Competencies USE OF COMPETENCY MODEL: This Competency Model can be used for identifying policies for teacher training, Pre-service teacher training programs of institutions of higher education for teacher training, In-service training of teachers, Professional Development of Teachers, Selection of teachers, Evaluation of teacher performances, Self-knowledge and self-development of teachers.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Have you noticed that since the birth of the Nobel Prize, most of the winners are from Europe and America while no one is from China (except for Mo Yan, who won the literature prize in 2012)? As stated, the United States occupies less than 5% of the world's population, but seventy percent of the winners are from US while China that holds one fifth of the world population has only one winner educated in mainland since 1949. What exactly led to present situation of China’s education system? I think China can not foster a Nobel Prize winner because of too much homework, the unreasonable education system, and universities’ not professional enough academic atmosphere. The first reason is that the burden of students today is heavier and heavier. For example, too much homework occupies major parts of students’ spare time. Due to it, students become weighed down with the homework. What is worse, too much homework makes students be afraid of study and exams, which can result in the loss of interest of study. So we can conclude that what too much homework brings to students is not the chance to exercise themselves but excuses for them to evade study. Gradually they regard the process of doing homework as finishing an unwilling mission rather than a way to check up drawbacks in study, which limits the extra time in which students exercise the ability of thinking, querying, and practicing. If students don not have a right attitude towards homework and study, maybe they won not be serious about academic research either when they work in their own fields. Another reason is that the unreasonable education system also contributes to the present situation. Since the recovery of college entrance exam system, the concepts of education have... ... entertainment. Our politics, religion, journalism, sports, education and business are willing to become a vassal of entertainment†. When that happens, even doing the serious research will become a king of trick to attract people’s attention and then fall into jokes. In a word, these three factors contribute to the present situation of China’s education system. The downside of the Asian system is that the national standards do not do much to foster creativity Glenn Zorpette (n.d) We still have a long way to go to perfect our system of developing ability such as E.D.Hirsch Jr (1995) â€Å"higher order skills†, â€Å"self esteem†, â€Å"metcognitive skills†, â€Å"critical-thinking skills†, â€Å"mere facts† which are qualified for society development. I hope one day I can hear the news where a scientist or a writer educated in the mainland of china not other countries win the Nobel Prize.

Friday, October 11, 2019

financial accounting and the need for a conceptual framework

The Asiatic crisis exploded in July 1997 and raised frights of planetary economic recession. It has exposed an unresolved job in the manner of fiscal globalisation that local accounting criterions used to fix fiscal statement did non run into international criterions. The authoritiess have realized the essentialness to better the supervising, ordinance and transparence of fiscal systems under the forces of fiscal globalisation.[ 1 ] Since the origin, the FASB has recognized the importance of aims of fiscal statements based on different fiscal criterions and the demand for a coherent system of interconnected aims and basicss. In fact, the Board has realized the concern of the external users, the people who use the statements so produced, about the credibleness of fiscal coverage in the recent old ages, and has criticized the undermentioned state of affairs[ 2 ]: Several methods of accounting can be used to reflect the same fact. Less conservative accounting methods are more progressively utilizing than earlier. Militias are used to smooth the earning fluctuation. Form is relevant over substance. The direction has used an averment of immateriality to warrant nondisclosure of unfavourable information or goings from criterions. Off-balance-sheet funding is common. To work out the confusion between different criterions and correct the fiscal accounting state of affairs, a conceptual model was promoted. The chief intent of the model is to increase the comprehensibility of fiscal coverage and the assurance of fiscal statement users. A conceptual model can be defined as: ‘A fundamental law, a coherent system of interconnected aims and basicss that can take to consistent criterions and that prescribes the nature, the map, and bounds of fiscal accounting and fiscal statement. The aims indentify the ends and the intents of accounting. The basicss are the implicit in constructs of accounting constructs that guide the choice of events to be accounted for, the measuring of those events and the agencies of sum uping and pass oning to interested parties. Concepts of that type are cardinal in the sense that other constructs flow from them and mention from them will be necessary in set uping, construing and using accounting and coverage criterions. ‘[ 3 ] Figure 1[ 4 ]shows the eight major constituents of the undertaking. Aims Elementss Recognition Measurement Fiscal Statements and Fiscal Coverage Net incomes Fundss Flows and Liquid Accounting Coverage Qualitative FeaturesFigure 1Conceptual Framework for FinancialAccounting and CoverageExhibit 6.3 shows the range of the conceptual model and lists the related paperss issued to 1982 by the FASB.[ 5 ] At the first degree, the aims indentify the end, the intent, the information and the restrictions of accounting. Statement of Financial Accounting Concept No.1 ( Objective Financial Reporting by Business Enterprises ) and No.4 ( Objective Financial Reporting by Non-business Organization ) present these of import elements of accounting for concern endeavors and non-business organisations severally. At the 2nd degree, the qualitative features of fiscal information ( Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No.2 ) and the elements of fiscal statements ( Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No.3 ) are included in the basicss. The four chief qualitative features are relevancy, dependability, comparison and comprehensibility which are related to the content of information and how the information is presented. Assetss, liabilities, ownership involvement, additions, losingss, parts by the proprietors and distributions to proprietors are described as the elements of fiscal statements. At the 3rd degree, the accountant uses the operational guidelines in advancing and using accounting criterions which include the acknowledgment standards, fiscal statements versus fiscal coverage and measuring ( Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.33 ) At the 4th degree, describing net incomes, describing financess flow and liquidness and describing fiscal place are included in the show mechanisms that accountant utilizations to show accounting information ( Elementss of Financial Statements No.3 ) .[ 6 ] In the followers, the chief degrees and constituents in the conceptual model for fiscal accounting will be briefly described.The Objective of fiscal statementsThe Statement of Principles follows the IASC Framework in the designation of seven user groups: Investors, Lenders, Suppliers, Employees, Customers, Government and other bureaus, and Public. The investor group is identified as the primary group for whom the fiscal statements are being prepared. The comptrollers have to make up one's mind the information demands of which group are to be dominant, because there is merely one set of fiscal statements. The in formation should be satisfied in four facets: fiscal public presentation, fiscal place, coevals and usage of hard currency, and fiscal adaptability.[ 7 ]The qualitative features of fiscal informationWhen sing about what makes fiscal information useful, the thought of materiality is the first coming into head. The materiality trial is regarded as a threshold quality for acknowl edgment because there is no demand to be considered farther if any point is non material. Actually, the Statement of Principles contains four qualitative features of fiscal information about the content of information and how the information is presented. The two primary features about the content are relevant and dependable ; the other two related to presentation are apprehensible and comparable.[ 8 ]Recognition and MeasurementHarmonizing to acknowledgment standards, the point is required to run into the definition of an component of fiscal statements and be relevant and dependable. With respect to measuring, the statement recognizes the five different properties of assets and liabilities presented in the treatment, historical cost, current replacing cost, current market value, net colony value and present value of future hard currency flows.[ 9 ]DecisionFrom the Asiatic crisis, it is necessary to work out the open job in the manner of fiscal globalisation due to miss of an account ing theory. Then we trace the development of a conceptual model undertaking of the FASB, the regulator of fiscal accounting and coverage, and why the undertaking is needed. In the followers, briefly introduce the construction of the undertaking and depict the chief constituents in the conceptual model of fiscal accounting.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Non-Monetary Rewards in the Workplace

Managers of different industries and organizations have been finding ways to create a motivational workplace. Defining motivation, it is â€Å"that which gives impetus to our behavior by arousing, sustaining, and directing it toward the attainment of goals† (Wortman and Loftus, 1992 p.353). In order for a business organization to achieve its objectives, therefore, there should be some motivations in the workplace that will drive its employees to accomplish such objectives. Companies may aim to improve the quality and productivity of the business primarily for increased profitability. Personally, employees may have their own motivators that drive them to perform their jobs better. Older employees are motivated by the insurance and pensions they will get upon retirement while others are motivated by the increase in salary as the years of their stay in the company increases. What makes motivation very important is that when it has been very effective, the business and its workers will mutually benefit; that is they will both achieve their goals. For businesses, turn over rate will decrease and productivity may increase. What also makes it a hard task for the managers is that employees have different behaviors and attitudes towards work, thus different motivations are needed in order to satisfy the employees. The most common type of motivation is reward. Rewards are given to motivate employees to improve their performance or simply to avoid dissatisfaction among employees. Rewards may be monetary or non-monetary. The purpose of monetary rewards is to acknowledge employees’ excellent job through money. Money has been an effective motivator because people are motivated first by the desire to secure first-level needs of food and shelter for survival (Creech, 1995). Aside from that, one of the primary reasons why people work is to earn money and improve their economic status. Monetary rewards or incentives include salary increase, profit sharing, project bonuses, stock options and warrants, scheduled bonuses and additional paid vacation time (Ballentine et al, 2003 p.1). However, people’s needs are not only material things. There are also other needs that are needed to be satisfied such as the need to learn, to be challenged, to improve skills, improve social status, and the need for other opportunities. These needs are basically what make people self satisfied and fulfilled. Non-Monetary Rewards Non-monetary rewards are important employee motivators. As many people say, there are certain things that money cannot buy and these are sometimes more important to people. According to Kohn (1993 on Ballentine et al, 2003), monetary incentives encourage compliance rather than risk-taking because most rewards are based only on performance. On the other hand, non-monetary rewards are recognition of an excellent job which do not involve money but are still satisfying and motivating to employees with the purpose of creating opportunities to the employees. Non-monetary rewards include: (1) opportunity to learn, develop and advance as an employee; (2) flexible hours; (3) Recognition; (4) the opportunity to contribute; and (5) independence and autonomy (Anonymous, 2006). Opportunity to Learn, Develop and Advance The opportunity to learn, develop and advance can be considered as opportunity for growth. Creech (1995) describes growth as to the mental abilities of employees. Promotion is one means of growth but there are also other ways that employees can learn and grow aside from moving out of their current position. Training, for example, are provided to employees who have showed exemplary performance. Some companies even send their employees abroad for special seminars and trainings to further enhance their skills while other companies have provided scholarships and send their employees to universities to make them more educated. Another way of rewarding an employee is by giving him more complex and challenging tasks that will help improve his skills giving employees a certain feeling of achievement. Flexible Hours Having flexible hours is rewarding to employees in such a way that they can have more time with other obligations. It will be rewarding for good employees if they can have time for other important things such as the family, a part-time job, hobbies and social life. Even the most dedicated employees may feel like slaves and may lose interest with their jobs if all their time will be spent working for the company alone but those who can have time for their selves can be more enthusiastic. Recognition It is very important for an employee’s excellent job to be appreciated and recognized. Recognition as a reward should be earned directly through the job (Creech, 1995) and must be in the form of merit so that employees know efforts are being observed and appreciated by management (Anonymous, 1994). Recognition may be in the form of â€Å"pat in the back†, verbal praise, or written praise (in the form of letter or certificate). There are even some companies that announce the reward publicly by holding ceremonies annually or quarterly in recognition of outstanding employees such as awards for the most prolific employees, the most loyal, most innovative and so on. In this way, employees are more motivated knowing that their good performances are recognized. Opportunity to Contribute Employees feel rewarded when they know that they have good contributions in the workplace. They can even more contribute to the organization when they are given more responsibilities and when they know that their contributions are being valued. This reward involves having to work in a team, working closely with the people in the upper level of the business organizations such as the management, and having your ideas being heard and considered with regards to the decisions made in the company. This kind of reward is commonly given to innovative and creative employees who always have new ideas to contribute to product development and productivity. Independence and Autonomy Exemplary employees are usually given the independence and autonomy because the management trusts them that can accomplish their jobs without supervision and help of others. This reward is commonly given to employees who are good in decision making, can handle pressure and can finish the job on time effectively. It is a rewarding and comfortable feeling for an employee when there is no supervisor or other employees that always looks after his works while employers can save time and money when they have workers who can work independently. Conclusion Although monetary rewards have been traditionally effective as a motivator in a workplace, non-monetary rewards are also important in meeting the other needs of the employees. Non-monetary rewards satisfy and eliminate unhappiness in the workplace by providing employee self-fulfillment, growth, and a feeling of achievement, making them more motivated to perform their jobs better. Therefore, in a workplace, there should be a balance of monetary and non-monetary rewards which motivates employees in different effective ways. References: Anonymous (1994) Personnel Practices/Communications. Human Resources Management. Chicago: Commerce Clearing House Inc., Anonymous, Top Five Non Monetary Items Employees Want in a Workplace Retrieved online on October 12, 2006 Ballentine, Andrew, McKenzie, Nora, Wysocki, Allen & Kepner, Karl (2003), The Role of Monetary and Non-Monetary Incentives in the Workplace as Influenced by Career Stage, EDIS, Department of Food and Resource Economics, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Creech, Regina (1995), Employee Motivation, Management Quarterly, Volume 36, Issue 2 Wortman, Camille B. and Elizabeth F. Loftus. (1992) Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Political films Essay

The research paper â€Å"The Timing of Presidential Cinema† discusses and analyzes social meaning of political films. Little research is done in this filed, although many films contain political and economic meaning. Interestingly, the release of presidential cinema is associated with the controlling party and with the ideology that the party has in the White House. Republican and Democratic administrations are characterized by the largest amount of political films. Moreover, more films are released during the second presidential term. Releases are more acute during presidential elections. The stronger the economies, the more films about presidents are released. The article â€Å"Quantitative analysis of Motion Picture Content† tends to measure the influence of films on American population. In particular, the emphasis is paid to providing an instrument to measure with scientific precision the content of each film. The cinema has long been accepted and the author argues that more than fifty million of American moviegoers are influenced by desire to seek entertainment when going to the cinema. Therefore, motion picture has become a profound influence on people and it is rather difficult to measure those influence. The role of Hollywood films in American society has not been yet questioned as researchers lack methods to summarize and analyze what the public is presented. The article â€Å"The Image of the Scientist in Science Fiction: A Content Analysis† reviews the social role of the scientists which is conveyed through the cinema. Scientists has undergone both criticism and appraisal, they has been presented as heroes and villains science-fiction magazines, stories and films. Of course, many scientists have been negligible. The social role of the scientist is addressed in terms of saving humanity, but after World War II such measurement has become problematic. Science fiction, therefore, is claimed to serve as vehicle to construct social utopias and to dethrone them. The article is of practical relevance as the USA experience shortage of scientists and engineers.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Internet Exercises Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Internet Exercises - Speech or Presentation Example By extreme we mean: far from what we would expect to observe if the null hypothesis is true. In other words, a small P-value indicates that observation of the test statistic would be unlikely if the null hypothesis is true. The lower the P-value, the more evidence there is in favor of rejecting the null hypothesis. The z-test for a mean is a statistical test for a population mean. The z-test can be used when the population is normal and ÏÆ' is known, or for any population when the sample size n is at least 30. The test statistic is the sample mean and the standardized test statistic is z. A chi-square test can be used to test if the variance (square of standard deviation) of a population is equal to a specified value. This test can be either a two-sided test or a one-sided test. The two-sided version tests against the alternative that the true variance is either less than or greater than the specified value. The one-sided version only tests in one direction. The choice of a two-sided or one-sided test is determined by the problem. For example, if we are testing a new process, we may only be concerned if its variability is greater than the variability of the current process. Sample Problem: A hospital administrator believes that the standard deviation of the number of people using outpatient surgery per day is greater than 8. A random sample 15 days is selected. The data are shown. At ÃŽ ± = 0.10, is there enough evidence to support the administrator’s claim? Assume the variable is normally distributed. Sample Problem: A researcher wanted to see if women varied more than men in weight.   Nine women and sixteen men were weighed.   The variance for the women was 525 and the variance for the men was 142.   What can be concluded at the 0.05 level of significance? Since we are testing to see if the variance for the women